The Inspired Wife: The Online Bible Study

Saturday, March 29, 2008


If you have just recently gotten your hands on a Bible study, WELCOME! I am so glad you found us. The online Bible study is a tool to be used with The Inspired Wife. If you haven't gotten your copy yet head on over to Amazon and pick one up!

The easiest way to start is in the beginning! :) Go over to the archives section on the right side of this blog and click on February 2008. From there you can start at the first post on February 18th called In the Beginning. I am super excited and I will be praying for whoever is reading this blog at this very moment.

Please know that you are special to me and if you ever have any questions or just want to share something personal, or need someone to pray with, just email me.

Once again, welcome and I look forward to hearing how your journey is going.
Love you,
Heather Lowrie

Friday, March 28, 2008


Can you believe it? You have actually completed The Inspired Wife! Today in the study is a beautiful story and the perfect way to end our six weeks together. I just want to encourage you to go back through the journal entries and trace over your journey. I am so very proud of you. Take a little time out today and do something special for yourself, to celebrate.

I also want you to think about a few Acts of Inspiration that have been your favorites and try and do at least one a week to keep the love flowin'. Remember that it is so much more than just saying "I love you" and it is all about showing your husband that you love him.

I am always here for you. Email me if you ever need anything or have any questions. I have enjoyed every second with you, online, and I will continue to pray for you!

God Bless You,
Heather Lowrie

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Which path are you on?

Isn't it great to think you know where your life is headed, only for God to hold up the U-Turn sign! Sometimes what we think we want, and what God gives us are two different things. What a great reminder that it doesn't matter how much control we think we have over decisions in our life because our precious Heavenly Father knows exactly where he is taking us. In our marriages throughout this past six weeks, have you felt like you are in control? I just want you to take minute today and reflect about how awesome it is to be on the path we are on knowing that God is right there with us the whole way. And be ready for that moment when he holds up that sign and be willing to make a change in your life that will truly show the Lord how much he means to you! Have a great day!

Love you,
Heather Lowrie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Present Couple

The first lesson this week was about a couple in the Bible. Their story is often overlooked but very important and hopefully you were able to get some insight about what makes a marriage strong. Today we get to read about a present couple, Billy and Ruth Graham. I know you will enjoy this section of the study as we look at other marriages and focus on how ours can be stronger and not just last, but thrive. Enjoy your day, focus on this lesson, and remember how awesome our Father in heaven truly is.

Love you,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Today is the day I want you to look through that Acts of Inspiration Menu and figure out what you haven't done. Oh yes, that one that you have been putting off in hopes that it will disappear. Think about challenging yourself this week, this is the LAST week! You can do this, I believe in you!

Love you,
Heather Lowrie

Monday, March 24, 2008

Week Six - Final Week

Good Morning!

I am so excited for you! This is the last week of the Bible study - you have made it! This week I want you to go back to the contract at the beginning of the study and reread the commitment you made so you can finish strong!

We are going to look at a past couple from the Bible to see what we can learn from them. It is so important to look at this couple and be open to where you stand as a couple as well. Marriage is such a precious gift, and as one friend put it, it is our ministry to make this the best experience we can. Are you ministering to your husband today?

Enjoy the process of becoming a Godly, inspired wife!
Love you,

Friday, March 21, 2008

Check up!

How's your heart doing lately? Today you are going to be looking at yours, specifically if it is pure. Sometimes our intentions and our actions don't necessarily line up and that is something that we are going to work on. Good intentions often are forgotten when life takes over and business sets in. Take some time today to really look at your heart and where it is taking you. I am so proud of you and you have one week left! You can do it!

Love ya,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's the problem?

Have you been there lately? You know, conflict with your husband! Have you ever stopped to really ask him, "What is the problem?" It is interesting to hear what their version of the problem truly is and just how different it can be to yours. Something we think is causing division is the complete opposite (sometimes) of what he thinks is causing division. The next time you get into a lively discussion, and frustration sets in, ask your spouse those words and get ready for the answer.

So many times when we disagree in our relationship it is simply miscommunication bigtime! I'll never forget when we had our pre-marriage counciling before the big day with the greatest pastor, Dave Riggle (at Second), and we got our "scores" back on our test that we took. Our highest score was Communication with each other! How exciting is that? We were great communicators, now 10 years later, if we took that test (or one like it) I wonder what our score on communication would be? Sometimes (to be honest) it just takes too much time and interupts some really great program that I can actually watch because the kids are asleep! Sometimes it is just too much work. But really, isn't that the heart of any marriage, communication.

Today take some time to evaluate how you are doing in that role. Is there something you and your husband need to talk about that you have been putting off? Is there something you haven't told your husband and today is the day? Do you have some bitter feelings about something that happened a long time ago that you need to let go of? Today is the day you look at how you communicate and work on making your marriage stronger, just simply by talking about those things you haven't wanted to talk about!

Have a great day!
Love you,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A New Day

Today we get to look at some more wife attitudes. We are going to focus on two specific verses and how they can have a direct effect on us, and the impact we have on those around us, starting with our husbands. Are we hungry and thirsty for righteousness? You will also get to read about a pretty amusing honeymoon story that really drives this point home. I hope you are having a great Wednesday! I am proud of you!

Love you,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Out of your comfort zone

Hopefully yesterday you had an a-ha moment when you were going through the lesson. You had a chance to look at your attitude and how yours directly affects your marriage. You were able to write a powerful moment when you were able to comfort your husband because of a specifc experience you went through. Sometimes it is difficult to understand why, in our own life, we go through unexplainable and very painful moments. The Bible is very specific about this. We have those moments to make us stronger in our relationship with Him, and because of that, we have the ability to comfort others when they are hurting too. Especially when it comes to our husbands. Go through the menu of the Acts of Inspiration and do something that you have been putting off, oh yes, something out of your comfort zone! You are special, you are a wife, and you are a child of God. Enjoy the gifts you have been given!

If you are just now finding this blog, welcome! You can go to and order the bible study, just click on the order tab and it will direct you to three different ways you can do this. You can also go on and type in Heather Lowrie on the search engine and order it there as well. I am glad you found us!

Love you,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week Five

I am so excited for you! This is week 5 and you only have one week left, can you believe it? This week our focus will be on our attitudes and how they effect our entire outlook on our marriage. How has your attitude been lately? I have to admit I have been a little more snippy lately. I like to blame it on hormones, but there really is no excuse. We had the joy of working on our taxes last night and we did them together. It seems like the littlest thing just made do that sigh, you know the one. It is nice and loud and usually accompanied by the eyes rolling and lots of silence afterward. What is the deal with that? Maybe it was inherited from my mom, maybe it was the long day with the kids who were in a bickering, complaining mood all day. Whatever the excuse I realized that it was totally wrong for me to react with anything but thanks. Thanks for the fact that I have a husband who had a job so that we can file an income tax return. Thanks for a husband that had just as hard a day as me and didn't let it show. Thanks for a husband who smiles and shakes his head at me when he hears that sigh and doesn't do something or say something to make it worse. Thanks for an understanding, Godly man, who truly loves me and that is so precious to me. Today is a perfect day to do some makin' up for my weaknesses and go through that acts of inspiration menu and do something special just to say thanks!

Think about your attitude lately and what you can do to make up for any weaknesses you might have in that department. Have a great day and know that I am here for you always!

Love you,

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Unknown Wife

Today your focus is going to be on an unknown wife in the Bible. Yep, there is a precious lady who plays an important role as a help mate and she isn't even given a name. This is one of my favorite lessons in the study as we read about the impact she had, the way she lived her life, and the fact that she didn't give up. She was a strong woman who had the courage to stand by her husband even in the most difficult circumstances. What a testimony she is in my own life. What an inspiration she is to hang in there through it all. Enjoy her story and hopefully she will give you some encouragement today as you finish up week four! Have a great weekend and don't forget to do something special for your husband.

Love you,

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Don't Give Up!

If you are like me, this is usually the point in a Bible study where I just give up! Yes, I try and put the book somewhere invisible and eventually it ends up on the shelf with all the others. I can file them all under "Good Intentions" and be okay with it.

But what if.....
there is something special in that next lesson meant just for me.

But what if......
the Lord has a verse that will change my outlook over the next week.

But what if.....
I actually persevere and finish something - how great would that be!

But what if.....
The difference I make in my marriage finally clicks because of the words on the last page.

I just want to encourage you this morning to hang in there! If you are tired and worn down then let this help get you excited about something! I believe in you and want you to finish strong! You can do this!

Love you,

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


If you are like me, you might not be familiar with this wife in the Bible. Just because she isn't well known doesn't mean her impact is minimal. Today you are going to find out exactly how important she is. In a time of crisis she was calm, efficient, and she did what she needed to do in order to protect her husband, even if he wasn't worth protecting. The good news in the end, is that the Lord takes care of Abigail, just like he takes care of us. No matter what situation you are in, he knows where you are at and what you are going through. He will take care of you! Be encouraged that he will never leave or forsake you, the Bible promises us that. Be inspired by a wife who didn't have a perfect marriage, and watch God work in her life.

Love you,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tea Time

Did you relate to the story of Ruth yesterday? Hopefully you were able to have a new view on what a healthy family relationship looks like. I want to encourage you to really take a look at your in-laws and make an effort to rely on the Lord when things get tough.

Think about your husband these days. How has this study impacted the way you view him? Have you noticed a difference in your attitude, and when you are praying for him, has it softened your heart in a way that hasn't happened in a while? Today you can do something simple for him. You can find this in the acts of inspiration menu and it is called Tea Time. Such a simple way to show your husband that he is precious to you. Sometimes we think the bigger the better, but that isn't always the case. Our husbands truly appreciate the little things. Do something special for him today to let him know he is on your mind!

I am so very proud of you and this journey you are on. I want to encourage you to go back to the very first page in the study, the contract, and review what you signed. Are you ready to finish what you started? You can do it, I believe in you!

Love you,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week Four

Today is the day we get to take a look at our relationship with our husband's mom. How is her role as a mother-in-law affecting your marriage? I think it is important to remember that a mom's heart will always be a mom's heart. And maybe she is driving you crazy, or maybe she is simply precious, regardless of her impact on your life, she is always going to be your husband's mom. I actually have a son and since he has been born I get it. I know that one day he will be married and have a wife, and I will be that mother-in-law for some God picked woman that gets to take on our famiy name. I feel like my eyes have been opened to that and I look at my mother-in-law with a new perspective. The relationship, in most families, between a mother and her son is precious regardless of what age the son is. It is my sincere prayer, that if this relationship is strained, you would take on the eyes of Jesus and start the healing process. If this relationship is going strong, then my prayer is that it gets even stronger. Take on this challenge and be ready to put your love for your husband into action. Without your mother-in-law, there would be no husband!

Have a great Monday,

Friday, March 7, 2008

Time to Smile!

Hey there! I am so proud of you! Three weeks of this study have been completed. You have made it to the half way point. I hope you have enjoyed the journaling and praying portions of the study as well as the others. Take some time to reveiw over your past journals entries and reread some of your feelings and emotions. Do you feel like you are retraining your brain? Do you think your husband has seen a valuable difference in you as a help mate? This is your time to celebrate so when you are doing something special for your husband today, make sure you don't leave yourself out! Have a great weekend!

Love you,

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I Surrender All

Today you are going to get a chance to take a good look at your role as a wife. Specifically submitting to your husband. Ususally most women have a negative view of this precious word and they automatically go on the defense. Did that happen to you when you got to this section? Were you tempted to skip it? I can honestly tell you a secret - it isn't as hard, or nearly as difficult to do as we have all made it out to be. After reading this lesson today I hope you will agree. I am so very proud of you and the progress you have made up to this point! You are awesome!

Hebrews 13:16 Do not forget to do good and to share with others (your husband), for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Our goal here ultimately is to please our Heavenly Father. Will you take the challenge?
Have a wonderful day!

Love you,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lipstick Letters

Have you ever heard of lipstick letters? Most people haven't put that can be your challenged today. If you did not get a chance to do this for your husband yet, don't miss out! It is on page 101 in the study and it is a fun way to let you husband know you are thinking about him. I had a friend who did this with her husband, and her 5 year old son actually noticed before her husband ever did! Sometimes it takes a little while for our honey's to figure things out even when it is written in Loreal's favorite shade of red. What a great example she was setting for her son, showing him how much she loves his father! I hope you have fun today and do something new and exciting! Hopefully you learned something new about your husband in yesterday's study. I always think I know everything there is to know about him, even after all these years, and then SURPRISE! Something new comes along and it just makes me smile! I hope you have an amazing day. Let me say a prayer for you as you continue on this new adventure.

Dear Lord,
I just want to thank you for that special wife who is reading this prayer right now. I just pray that you would give her the strength and courage it takes to make a difference in her husband's life right in this very moment. I pray that you would bless that special woman who is on this journey of change, who wants to be a better wife, who wants her marriage to last a lifetime. We love you Jesus! It's in your name we pray, Amen!

Have a fantastic day!
Love you,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What's New?

So did you have the Cinderella Syndrome? Yesterday maybe you figured out that it has been holding you back. Hopefully you put away that glass slipper and got a reality check. Today you get to do something new. Look through the menu of the acts of inspiration and do something that you have been wanting to skip. Oh yes, that one! We all have that one that we read and said, "I can't do that!" Well, today you can! How easy has it been to be in that bad habit of can't or won't? And once we start that habit it truly is difficult to break. So yes, stop saying those negative words and start thinking about the positive, what you can and will do today. I know your husband will be thankful and it will make a difference in your marriage far beyond what you could have ever imagined. Have a great day! I believe in you!

Love ya,

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week Three

I hope you had an amazing weekend. How did things go last week? This is the start of our third week which means there are three weeks left after this! How are you feeling? Hopefully you are starting to get back some of those feelings by doins something special for your husband. I also want you to think about doing something special for yourself this week. Go out and buy some roses just for you! Or even a favorite perfume or bubble bath would be nice. You get to reward yourself for all of your hard work too!

This week we will focus on the Cinderella Syndrome, play the Heather version of the Newlywed Game, and remember just how important the word surrender is in our marriages. Have some fun this week and take the time to remember that special day you said, "I do!"

Love you,

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Week Two is Almost Through!

Can you believe we are almost through week two? I am so very proud of you so keep up the good work! I hope you enjoyed the study yesterday and realized just how fragile our life truly is. We aren't promised eternal life here on earth, no one really knows when their last day will be. What kind of a legacy are you leaving for your husband? If today were your last day, would you be proud of the wife you have been lately? What are some things you need to work on? Go ahead and ask your husband how he thinks the last two weeks have gone. It is his ultimate opinion that counts. Pick something fabulous out of the acts of inspiration menu and do something for your husband that he will never forget. Start making memories today since we aren't promised a tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Love you,

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