The Inspired Wife: The Online Bible Study

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lipstick Letters

Have you ever heard of lipstick letters? Most people haven't put that can be your challenged today. If you did not get a chance to do this for your husband yet, don't miss out! It is on page 101 in the study and it is a fun way to let you husband know you are thinking about him. I had a friend who did this with her husband, and her 5 year old son actually noticed before her husband ever did! Sometimes it takes a little while for our honey's to figure things out even when it is written in Loreal's favorite shade of red. What a great example she was setting for her son, showing him how much she loves his father! I hope you have fun today and do something new and exciting! Hopefully you learned something new about your husband in yesterday's study. I always think I know everything there is to know about him, even after all these years, and then SURPRISE! Something new comes along and it just makes me smile! I hope you have an amazing day. Let me say a prayer for you as you continue on this new adventure.

Dear Lord,
I just want to thank you for that special wife who is reading this prayer right now. I just pray that you would give her the strength and courage it takes to make a difference in her husband's life right in this very moment. I pray that you would bless that special woman who is on this journey of change, who wants to be a better wife, who wants her marriage to last a lifetime. We love you Jesus! It's in your name we pray, Amen!

Have a fantastic day!
Love you,


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