The Inspired Wife: The Online Bible Study

Thursday, September 24, 2009


So I am taking a detour for just a day to talk about something that has been on my mind lately. I am working on The Inspired Mom and this is something that I feel led to share. Obedience. Let me just say this - Obedience is a process - it doesn't happen over night - it can't happen overnight - we are all sinners saved by grace - sinners - disobedience is in our dna - and not just ours but our childrens too! Yes, the bible says for children to obey their parents in the Lord - but too many times we add - obey your parents "the first time" and it isn't in the scripture. When is the last time we obeyed the Lord as adults "the first time".........and here we are trying to expect a two year old to do the same - it just can't happen and you will exhaust yourself physically and emotionally trying to do it. Obedience is biblical - absolutely! Obedience is required - absolutley! But bedience shouldn't be "forced" especially from a two year old who is trying to figure out how to say the word "please" let alone "obey the first time". Yes, we need to train up our children, and part of that training includes showing mercy and grace to a growing child, teaching them to love the Lord, giving them a foundation in Christ that is unshakable, and guiding them down a path created just for them by their heavenly Father! After all, Jesus never "forced" anyone to do anything and neither should we.

Have you ever tried to "force" your husband to do something you wanted him to do? Where the results disasterous?!?!? Have you ever been "forced" to do anything? How did that make you feel?!?!? Didn't you just want to do the complete opposite to prove a point......well my sweet ones, children have those feelings to0 and when anyone - especially their parents try the same tactics it can often be disasterous and yield the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. Bring the focus back to where it should be - loving the Lord with all you heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and the best way to teach anyone that, even your own child, is to show them first. What are you showing your child?

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