What is it about turning 30 that has made my body morph into this sloth of a being......and that was 4 years ago! I don't know about you but when I walk by my bed in the afternoons around 1:30ish I can hear it calling my name - and I often give in to an unproductive nap - and forget about doing anything after I wake up because I always feel worse than before. What is that about? And yet, knowing this, I still go for the nap any day over being productive.
Can't it be the same in our marriages? We hear other things calling for our attention, pulling us away from what we were truly created for, and that is glorifying God, living - not sleeping - for Him! Can it be exhausting - yes! Can it be disheartening - at times - yes! Can it be our number one priority in life? Not if we are sleeping through the day. Okay, so maybe you are full of energy and don't need that "power nap" - ha! What about other things that steal your time away and can leave you feeling empty and even exhausted.
How can I be a fantastic wife for my husband, when I can't even lift my head from that pillow? How can I show my husband how much I truly love him, when I want to hop in my favorite t-shirt and wrap myself up in a never ending blanket - alone? There comes a time in our lives when we have to wake up to the reality of what we want our marriages to look like and do something about it - work through it - make it happen - stay stong and get our strength from the strongest One we know. The One who called Peter out of the boat. The One who called Lazarus from the dead. The One who is calling out to us - but we are just too tired to notice and we suffer, our relationships suffer, and that is not the kind of life I want to live.
Together we can encourage others to get excited about doing something fun in our marriages, trying something new, planning a surprise, remembering the forgotten moments that endeared us to our husbands in the first place - it's time for us to wake up, literally, and start a new chapter of excitement. Push the sleepyness aside, walk past that bed without jumping in it, and do something fun that will make you thankful that you missed your nap for the day!
Have fun and get excited - love you - H.
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