The Inspired Wife: The Online Bible Study

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week Five

I am so excited for you! This is week 5 and you only have one week left, can you believe it? This week our focus will be on our attitudes and how they effect our entire outlook on our marriage. How has your attitude been lately? I have to admit I have been a little more snippy lately. I like to blame it on hormones, but there really is no excuse. We had the joy of working on our taxes last night and we did them together. It seems like the littlest thing just made do that sigh, you know the one. It is nice and loud and usually accompanied by the eyes rolling and lots of silence afterward. What is the deal with that? Maybe it was inherited from my mom, maybe it was the long day with the kids who were in a bickering, complaining mood all day. Whatever the excuse I realized that it was totally wrong for me to react with anything but thanks. Thanks for the fact that I have a husband who had a job so that we can file an income tax return. Thanks for a husband that had just as hard a day as me and didn't let it show. Thanks for a husband who smiles and shakes his head at me when he hears that sigh and doesn't do something or say something to make it worse. Thanks for an understanding, Godly man, who truly loves me and that is so precious to me. Today is a perfect day to do some makin' up for my weaknesses and go through that acts of inspiration menu and do something special just to say thanks!

Think about your attitude lately and what you can do to make up for any weaknesses you might have in that department. Have a great day and know that I am here for you always!

Love you,


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