The Inspired Wife: The Online Bible Study

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Heart to Heart

I don't know what it is about not being able to sleep lately, but believe it or not - I am grateful for it. Spending Christmas in Colorado was a dream come true for our family, the snow, the snow, and yes, the snow! It was on this trip that my husband and I had many nights where we just couldn't sleep. Now I know there are some people with some interesting ideas about why this happens and the purpose behind it - but I don't care. :) I do care about the fact that we had amazing conversations at yes, 2:00 a.m. It was a great time where we just talked, talked, and talked some more about the direction we want our life to go, together, united, as a couple. Sometimes life in the "normal" hours gets to be crazy so I am thankful that we were both wide awake in the wee hours to just enjoy, plan, dream, and unite together. So here is what I am asking you - when is the last time you and yours have spent hours just talking about your future together - regardless of the time of day? What we have to say to each other is important, but the time we spend listening is truly valuable - priceless - and something I am going to make sure we do more of in the future. Here is to 2010 - let us talk, talk, talk and more importantly, listen to one another. This time together is precious - appreciate it - Team Lowrie :)

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